
Maximize your crop yield with our cutting-edge products. Our toolkit of regenerative fertilizer/nutrients, bio-stimulants, inoculants, and cultivation accessories enables cultivators of all kinds to achieve nutritional and, biological targets throughout their crop’s lifecycle. Whether you’re a home gardener, commercial landscaper, or seasoned farmer we can help you grow with precision!

Biologically Complete Compost

Biologically complete refers to compost that has been produced using oxygenated processes which select for the proliferation of beneficial aerobic microorganisms. Biodiversity can be further promoted and preserved through the introduction of soil samples collected in native ecosystems. This compost is then quantified under the microscope to ensure that it meets biological benchmarks and minimums outlined by scientific frameworks. Inoculation is achieved by extracting biologically complete compost in water through a filtration bag and then applying the solution directly to the soil surface. Beneficial organisms are brought into the extracted solution and introduced into the soil through infiltration. The soil biology is then further assessed to verify that targeted microorganisms have gained dominance in the soil food web.