
V-CAL 15

Calcium is an important secondary nutrient required by all plants. It plays a vital role in developing stronger cell walls, activating enzymes in photosynthesis and metabolism, cellular orchestration, and contributing to the development of Brix in plant cells. Organics Alive V-Cal 15 is produced using the latest technology to extract calcium from mineral sources, ensuring it remains in a stable liquid form.


Calcium is an important nutrient required by all plants. It plays a vital role in developing stronger cell walls, activating enzymes in photosynthesis. Most growers use CalMag which can lead to over application of Mag while Calcium remains deficient. OA’s V-Cal ensures that Calcium can be adequately supplemented.


  • Usage: 2.6-5.2 ml per 10L
  • 2-4 ml per gallon foliar only.
  • ½ gallon per acre foliar only.
  • Can be used in all phases of growth considering environmental conditions meet foliar requirements.



Other companies mine for small molecule composition acids. Because this acid comes from thousands of years of decomposition, companies must find their sources deep within the ground. This is not sustainable and devastating to the earth. It is also a fact that the extraction process of pulling this acid from the ground brings with it heavy metals which is bad for applied soil and in some cases can fail compliance regulations in certain crops. Mined sources of this acid have low percentages of this acid's makeup, because to extract this acid into a pure source is difficult or very expensive. Most of the top name brands have less than 8% total this acid. This creates the need to use 15ml-30ml in a single gallon of water adding to the expense of crop production.

To some credit; some this acid which is mined can be sourced in clean mountain areas, but do you want to be a part of shredding ancient Himalyan mountains to feed your plants?  

Organics Alive

Organics Alive uses a more sustainable approach to retrieve high quality inputs. Our team has been testing with grains and seeds, of all nature, spent, sprouted and fresh to produce what is needed from nature. We have formulated a fermentation process to retrieve the nutrients needed without conventional mining.


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CHF 35.00 CHF