
Full Fertility + Bio Complete Package

Coming soon... Our Full Fertility + Biologically Complete Package is a comprehensive service designed meticulously with an in-depth understanding of both the biological and chemical intricacies of cultivation. This package represents the pinnacle of agricultural excellence, tailored for forward-thinking growers. By combining advanced analysis techniques, expert consultations, and custom feed solutions, we offer a holistic approach to cultivation management. Our commitment is twofold: to fortify your cultivation techniques and to pave the way for unparalleled crop vitality, increased yields, and enduring sustainability in your farming operations.


Service Features:

Bioassays (x2): Advanced biological tests that provide key insights into the health and fertility of your soil and crops. These tests ascertain the vitality of the organisms in your soil, helping us determine its overall biological activity and health.

Plant Sap Analysis (x2): Delve into the real-time nutritional status of your plants. This diagnostic tool provides a snapshot of nutrient uptakes, deficiencies, or imbalances, facilitating precise nutrient management decisions.

Full Chemistry Test + Recommendations (x2): Beyond just providing data, we ensure it’s actionable. Our thorough chemistry tests determine soil composition, nutrient levels, and potential contaminants. Based on the results, tailored recommendations are provided to rectify imbalances and promote optimal growth.

Consulting Calls/Meetings (2 Hours): Benefit from the wealth of knowledge of our expert consultants. Use these dedicated hours to address concerns, brainstorm strategies, or simply gain deeper insights into your cultivation practices.

Custom Feed Formulations: Based on your unique cultivation needs and the insights gathered from our analyses, we devise bespoke feed formulations that cater specifically to your crops. This ensures optimal nutrition, robust growth, and maximal yield.

Feed Formulation Analysis: To ensure the precision and efficacy of our custom feed formulations, we subject them to rigorous analysis, verifying their nutrient content, consistency, and suitability for your specific requirements.



CHF 1'248.00 CHF