
FPT Humic Acid

Organics Alive FPT Humic Acid is derived from the best sources of Canadian Leonardite. It has a Humic acid level at 20%. FPT is designed to improve biological, chemical and physical attributes of soil and plants. 


Soil Drench
Foliar Spray

The composition is long-chain open organic acids and amino acid groups with high molecular weights. The major functional groups include phenolic, carboxylic, carbonyl, quinoaid and peptides.

Long-chain organic functional groups help in increasing nutrient exchange processes through the root system. This process results in higher nutrient uptake leading to accumulation of sugars, chlorophyll synthesis and amino acids in plants. Higher brix helps the cells to stress tolerance. Peptide group protects the plant cells from physiological stress against peroxide compounds, toxins and free radicals generally build up in them. As a result, all the plants' cell energy is used for growth and development. FPT also stimulates microbial population in soil resulting in better nutrient's transformations and improving soil quality and plant immunity.

FPT is made from natural and organic sources. Using fermentation practices we use small amounts of Canadian Leonardite to extract humic acid.

Humic acids biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of microorganisms.

  • Stimulates plant enzymes and increases their production.
  • Acts as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.
  • Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable microorganisms in soil
  • Enhances plant’s natural resistance against diseases and pests.
  • Stimulates root growth,
  • Increases root respiration and root formation.
  • Thickens the cell walls in fruits and flowers
  • Increases germination and viability of seeds.
  • Stimulates plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the
  • rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter.
  • Increases the quality of yields; improves their physical appearance and nutritional value.
  • Humic acids physically modify the structure of the soil, with benefits such as:
  • Prevents high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils,
  • Humic acids chemically change the fixation properties of the soil, with benefits such as:
  • Regulates the pH-value of soils.
  • Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces leaching.
  • Enhance cation-exchange capacities.


FPT can be used for all crops either as a foliar spray, through drip systems and soil drench.

  • 2-4ml per gallon root drench.
  • 2-4ml per gallon foliar application.
  • ½ gallon per acre.



Other companies mine for small molecule composition acids. Because this acid comes from thousands of years of decomposition, companies must find their sources deep within the ground. This is not sustainable and devastating to the earth. It is also a fact that the extraction process of pulling this acid from the ground brings with it heavy metals which is bad for applied soil and in some cases can fail compliance regulations in certain crops. Mined sources of this acid have low percentages of this acid's makeup, because to extract this acid into a pure source is difficult or very expensive. Most of the top name brands have less than 8% total this acid. This creates the need to use 15ml-30ml in a single gallon of water adding to the expense of crop production.

To some credit; some this acid which is mined can be sourced in clean mountain areas, but do you want to be a part of shredding ancient Himalyan mountains to feed your plants?  

Organics Alive

Organics Alive uses a more sustainable approach to retrieve high quality inputs. Our team has been testing with grains and seeds, of all nature, spent, sprouted and fresh to produce what is needed from nature. We have formulated a fermentation process to retrieve the nutrients needed without conventional mining.


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CHF 38.00 CHF